Tuesday 20 June 2023



By Nurul Alwani

This topic is a taboo topic right. But sangat berguna untuk budak-budak yang baru nak Akhil baligh. So babe, I nak share kat u la why I choose pad jenama libresse rather than others such as kotex. Libresse ni babe sangat selesa tau, and it have a wide range mengikut kita punya sensitivity of our skin down there and our weight. If you have a normal skin, you boleh beli yang colour biru, tak tebal tak nipis , dia sedang sedang. But if you have sensitive skin, buy the sensitive type, I personally have a sensitive skin which I easy to get rash, but when I choose to use the sensitive type, I get to reduce the rash tau. If you still have rash, I recommended you to use baby oil , its really helps babe.


And libresse ni dia senang nak cuci tau, my personal experience dengan others punya brand, dia punya kapas tu susah nak cuci and kalau koyak , dia koyak sekali dengan plastic kat bawah tu. Libresse punya pad dia ada bentuk so we can identify mana depan and belakang and the shape really helps to reduce leaking. If you the one yang heavy bleeding babe, kalau malam use then libresse yang macam pampers baby tu. Anti-leaking babe, anti-rash sangat selesa tau! I LOVE IT SANGAT-SANGAT. Tapi the downside of that type of pad, dia mahal. If you buy yang biasa, 30 pads you dapat dalam 4 ringgit and up but the pampers type, untuk 2 is 6 ringgit lebih. Kalau you nak yang selesa and premium sikit, ambik la yang pampers type. But now libresse dah banyak type and some of them ada scent which is so refreshing, so go try semua babe ! goodluck in finding the best type for you all girls out there !



  1. Saya suka kotex

  2. Thank youu ,sebab awak la saya dpt tolong gf saya




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