Sunday 14 May 2023



Why did I choose the Mass Communication course?

By Syazwani Binti Hamizan


    In fact, I never reached the point  to continue studying in this course. My ambition is actually to become a teacher, more specifically a teacher in the Malay language field. Ever since I was in school, I really liked this Malay subject. I am one of the students who often get the highest marks for the Malay language subject. In addition, I really like to communicate in front of many people. So I have always entered many competitions since I was in elementary school. I like entering poetry, speech,  and singing competitions. My confidence level is very high. I admit that when I'm on stage, I'm just like other people who have nervousness and anxiety but I'm good at controlling it. Win or lose is just a competition. As long as we try to gain experience.

Oh, I've run away from the original topic. My interest in the Malay language is very deep. When I was in the 5th grade, my classmates really disliked the Malay language subject. I also admit that the Malay language subject is quite challenging. Especially in SPM level. I can survive because I'm interested. If I'm not interested, how can I do it, right? For everyone's knowledge, in the Malay language subject  there is a topic called "novel" Students are required to read a short novel. The title of the novel is up to each state. Because I was so excited, I finished the novel in just two days. I can master and understand the content contained in the novel. Because my classmates were not interested in the novel and the presentation method of my subject teacher at that time, my subject teacher named Mrs. Haliza. Mrs.Haliza entrusted me to make a synopsis related to what I had read. With the hope that the language I deliver is easier to my classmate understand compared to our teachers. I was able to help my classmates who never read the novel in the exam. This is because they only remembered what I concluded without reading the novel.

In addition, the exercise book written by me is often used as an example by Mrs. Haliza to show to my classmates. Mrs. Haliza also asked me to teach and share the knowledge I know with other friends. I noticed my friend easily understood what I was saying. Since then, it has been etched in my heart to become a Malay language teacher in secondary school. My SPM results for the Malay language subject reached my target which is A. I am trying to apply at IPG Malaysia, I am shortlisted to attend the interview. But unfortunately my mental condition is not healthy, I could not be selected to be a student at IPG Malaysia I feel very discouraged due to failing the mental test that the IPG gave us. But my mother advised me not to give up . We applied UPU online  together, my mother told me, she wants me to take the Mass Communication course  .It is because she sees the potential in me. I can speak in public, I am an extrovert and much more. The most suitable course for people like me is Mass Communication. That's the reason why I took the Mass Communication course at UNISEL. I hope I can graduate on time and make my parents proud who made a lot of sacrifices for me to continue my studies at university.




By Adib Mu'az Bin Badrul Hisyam

The movie started with a scene of Rocket (the raccoon) set down while listening a song called Creep by Radiohead. If you read the lyrics of the song, it actually tells everything about this movie.

Overall, this movie highlighting the past of Rocket, who always seen as a mean character. They tell how rocket past life is. How he went through a lot of experiment because of gluttony of human which want to see everything perfect.

They also shown how rocket lost his friends while he tries to escape from the cage. Finally in the end Rocket finally managed to get his revenge towards high revolutionary for all of their experiment for perfection.

Also in the end, Star Lord A.K.A Peter Quill, the leader of the guardians, stated that he takes a break for a while a want to return to earth to met his grandfather. The last time he in earth was when he eight years old and feels right now is the perfect time for him to come back. He gives his position to Rocket so rocket now is the leader of the guardians and also the leader of Knowhere, the headquarters of the guardians.

Overall, I give this movie 8/10 score. Compare to their past sequel, this movie played a lot of sad emotion towards the audience. Also, they managed to captured a one of the mean and funniest character to a sad, heartbroken and have a bad past which is Rocket.



by Ainina Najwa Binti Zulkifly

Hey guys, for today’s blog we are going to discuss how to overcome your own insecurity. I know this is hard to do and many people are facing this problem so that’s why I am writing this blog so that all of you can try to overcome it.

What you can do is...

1. Know your value! 

You have to know your value and learn to love yourself first. Doing this will help you to stop comparing yourself with other people. You need to know that every person has their own attractive and beautiful side. You just have to find out what is your attractive side and then you will start to love yourself.

2. Take care of yourself 

Next, you can go to a beauty spa to get a relaxing treatment. Doing this will make you feel pretty and raise your confidence. Sometimes your body and face need treatment. You can also go to a hair salon to style your hair.

3. Positive surroundings

Last but not least, you need to have positive surroundings to overcome your insecurity. Make sure that you have a positive circle of friends that will always have your back. This is very important because negative surroundings can make you feel insecure and have negative thoughts.



THIS IS OUR STORIES By Us. Hi dari kiri, Nisa, Adib, Shahira, Wani dan yang bawah tu NIna. BAtch kami ada 6 orang, lagi sorang Hazwin. KIteo...